Nine Month ConneXions Design

Support Community

Learning Experiences

Module Maps

Application Process

Rules and Regulations

Collage Designs

Nine Month Foundational ConneXions Design

Our process involves a support community from our local church and a collage of learning experiences that are orchestrated by a director and a design team.

See the learning experiences page for more information on the various types of learning experiences that comprise the collage of learning experiences, including the following four broad categories:

Ongoing LEs

Theological LEs

Thread LEs

I-Track LEs

Support Community

The support community (PDF) is divided into several main roles:

Report Forms Procedures

Pastoral Coach

Role Description

Report Form

Sample Questions for Meeting with CXP


 Role Description

 Report Form

Host Home

 Role Description

 Report Form

 Host Home Brochure

 Requirements for Participant

Learning Coach

 Role Description

 Alumni Coach


Module Maps

The nine-month design is broken down into three large modules. The large modules are approx. three months each. To help show the process of learning and to chart our progress, we have developed "module maps". The idea behind a module map is simple; it functions like any map show the path to our determined destination or goal. The specific layout of a module map is broken down into five major parts, as follows: week, theme, cohort, team, individual.

The following table is a template or model of what the layout of a module map will look like:

Module #

5C Indicators
This shows the number of the current week. This includes days Mon.-Fri.
The indicator is keyed to the 18 indicators for each of the 5C's. The listed indicator provides the theme for the learning experiences of that week or series of weeks.
This is a teaching or learning that is done with all participants of the learning community
This is a project or learning experience that participants are put into teams to accomplish
Obviously, this refers to the projects and learning experiences that are directly related to the individual participant

Saturdays are often a different format



Click the following links to see the PDF files (with links to projects) of the actual module maps that we are currently using:

Map of Module 1

Map of Module 2

Map of Module 3

Each module has a mid-module (or six-week) celebration built into it. Click the links to read about the format and purpose for the mid-module (or six-week) celebration and the full 3-month module celebration.

All of the learning experiences and projects that are used in the various module maps can be seen by following the learning experiences link.


Application Process

The application process is detailed through the use of an application packet. All of the following documents are included in our current application packet:

Cover page


Financial Agreement

Tuition and Fees

Liability Release Form


Rules and Regulations

It is helpful to establish a process for how you will deal with various people, situations and circumstances. The following documents help our program run more smoothly:

ConneXions Participant Handbook

Dress Code

Positive and Negative Reinforcements

